Registration is now open for the 2017 International Learning Assistant Conference to be held in Boulder, Colorado, on November 4-6, 2017.
You may be interested in attending or you may have colleagues who should participate -- especially if you're just starting a program or are expanding into new departments. Please forward to colleagues and also keep in mind that it's great for small teams from the same institution to participate together. The registration fee is $250 for LA Alliance members. Remember, the conference fills up quickly and space is limited. Here's the link to the conference and registration web page:
The Learning Assistant (LA) model is a highly supported peer teaching experience that has been shown to improve students' learning and attitudes towards science in undergraduate courses. It is also an effective tool for recruiting talented science and math students into teaching careers. Over 80 institutions are currently implementing an LA Program.
The conference includes workshop sessions appropriate for faculty and staff who are just beginning to think about starting an LA program, who want to expand and sustain their current programs, or who are experiencing "advanced user" issues. It's a great place to network with other faculty and staff across disciplines and types of institutions. For institutions with existing Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL), supplemental instruction (SI), or other undergraduate teaching assistant programs, these workshops will be a good opportunity to learn similarities and differences between their programs and the LA model.
Hope to see you and your colleagues in Boulder in November!
Learning Assistant Alliance