BCCE info for early career scholars

Attention Grad Students, Post Docs, and early career Faculty!

 The Early Career Chemistry Education Scholars (ECCES) Committee is excited to see you at BCCE! Whether it's your first conference, your first presentation, or you're returning to this conference, the ECCES Committee would like to be a resource for you during BCCE. ECCES supports graduate studentspostdocs, and faculty in their first five years. If you have any questions, we are happy to provide guidance. We have several events that we hope you will join us for! 

 The CER: Graduate Student Research Symposia will be held in room JSB-321 (Jacobs Science Building) during every symposia section. We hope you will come and support graduate students in our field.  

 On Monday at 1PM, we will be having a Birds of a Feather meeting. BoaF is a tradition at every BCCE for groups to meet and network. This year, we will be raffling off Visa gift cards to those who participate in our networking activity. We hope you will join us in the Cat's Den!  

 On Saturday night, there will be an informal gathering at the District 7 Social Hall in the Lexington Distillery District, starting at 7PM. Feel free to join us and bring your friends and make some new ones! You can meet us at the conference check-in location to carpool or find your way there independently. Contact any of the following people for help or if you get lost:

 Rides for Saturday Informal Gathering:

· Michelle Herridge, 843-224-9616, dr.mherridge@gmail.com 

· Lyniesha Ward, wardlyn@iu.edu or Discord @Lyniesha_ww 

General help:

· Melissa Collini, 817-614-7977, mac0238@auburn.edu 

· Molly Atkinson, molly.atkinson@unt.edu 

· Olivia Crandell, crand209@r.umn.edu 

· Paulette Vincent-Ruz, pvr@nmsu.edu

· Nicole James, njames@reed.edu

· Katy Hosbein, katy.hosbein@mtsu.edu

· Megan Connor, mconnor@samford.edu 

 Again, we look forward to seeing you at BCCE!


ECCES Committee