BCCE symposium reminder


Looking for a symposium to feature your research or experiences with Peer-Led Team Learning? Look under E in the list of symposia for....

Exploring the implementation of Peer-Led Team Learning and the diverse outcomes that result Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL) is a national initiative to promote active learning in STEM classes through the use of peer leaders, students who have successfully completed a course that return to lead students in small groups. The symposium highlights the diverse set of outcomes that have resulted from enacting PLTL or other forms of peer-supported instruction. Additionally, this symposium invites reports of efforts to initiate or sustain PLTL in the chemistry curriculum, to adapt PLTL to online instruction, and to address diversity and equity issues within peer-supported learning. Given the potential for PLTL to have a substantive impact on the experiences of students, peer leaders and/or faculty members, the symposium welcomes presentations that employ any methodological approach.


Kathleen Bowe

Christopher Bauer

Scott E Lewis


