Chem Ed post-doc position at University of Washington

Announcement of a post-doctoral position in the Chemistry Education Research Group (ChEdR) at the University of Washington in Seattle

The UW Chemistry Department is seeking a post-doctoral researcher to assist in the examination of student learning from in-class demonstrations. The project compares a traditional approach to demonstrations to an active-learning format that engages the students in predicting the outcomes and explaining the results of demonstrations. Particular emphasis is on the impact of the two approaches on performance gaps for student populations such as under-represented minority and women students. The post-doctoral researcher will be involved in all aspects of the project including development and implementation of the active learning protocols, design and facilitation of student focus groups, management and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, management of undergraduate researchers, and dissemination of materials and outcomes.

Please click on the CER website link above to view attachment of position decription.

Funding for the position is provided by the National Science Foundation.

Thank you - Deborah Wiegand, PI and Cynthia Stanich, co-PI

Deborah Wiegand Principal Lecturer Director, Entry-Level Programs Chemistry Department University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195