FW: Chem Ed position at SDSU

Hi all,

I wanted to draw your attention to the chemistry education research faculty position at San Diego State University.

All the best,


From: Christopher Harrison [mailto:charrison@mail.sdsu.edu]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2017 5:05 PM
To: Cole, Renee

Subject: Chem Ed position at SDSU

Hi Renee,

You likely have seen the posting I just made in Slack about the Chem Ed position we are looking to fill. But just in case I wanted to send the link directly to you and ask if you wouldn't mind spreading this around to those who might be interested. If anyone has any questions about the department or the search you can also direct them to me, I'm not chairing the search, but I am part of it.


Thank you very much, and I hope your semester is off to a good start.



Christopher R. Harrison, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Dept. of Chemistry, SDSU
Group Page: http://harrison-lab.sdsu.edu/
Office: GMCS-213E
Phone: 619-594-1609
Fax: 619-594-4634