FW: tenure track assistant professor

Hi all,

I am forwarding this job announcement looking for a faculty member in inorganic chemistry, preferably with experience in chemistry education.

All the best,


rom: Lawrence D Margerum [mailto:margeruml@usfca.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 7:44 PM
To: Cole, Renee S >
Subject: tenure track assistant professor

Hi Renee, @uiowa.edu

We met briefly at IU this summer for the analytical active learning workshop, which I really enjoyed! As head of our search committee I am reaching out to chemical educators to advertise our assistant professor tenure track position in Inorganic Chemistry at University of San Francisco.Perhaps you know of a student/post-doc and can pass on the advertisement (posted in C&ENews mid-august; you cna alos find it by reading the web version of this email by clicking the CER web site blue link above). We are especially interested in someone with experience in chemical education who can also start up a laboratory research program for undergraduates and MS students. Initial teaching assignments will be in general chemistry and our revised foundational inorganic course+lab, plus a collaboration with Dr. Ryan West (also at IU workshop) and myself on creation of an in-depth inorganic/analytical course. Start up funding is available along with internal Faculty Development Funds every semester for research or teaching projects. We are trying to ‘beat the crowd’ with a soft October 1st deadline. @uiowa.edu

Thank you for your consideration, @uiowa.edu

Lawrence (Larry)
Margerum Professor,
Department of Chemistry
University of San Francisco (USF)