Implementing Critical Thinking in STEM Courses

Hi all,

I'm passing along an opportunity from some of my biology education research colleagues with an opportunity to take a survey about how you incorporate critical thinking in your classes. Please reach out to Ash Heim ( if you have any questions about the study.

Dear colleagues,

Critical thinking is a ubiquitous learning goal across undergraduate STEM courses, yet it can be challenging to assess in the classroom. I aim to understand how instructors implement critical thinking in their undergraduate STEM classrooms. In this study, I will collect and analyze data on the learning goals and objectives, assessments, and learning activities related to critical thinking that STEM instructors use in their undergraduate courses, as well as their definitions of critical thinking.

For this reason, I am contacting you to see if you’d be interested in completing a confidential survey to support this work. Thoughtful reflection on the survey questions should take about 15-20 minutes.

For the purposes of this study, I am interested in collecting data from the following STEM disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Math.

Please email the researcher, Ash Heim, if you would like the survey link sent to you (

This is a great opportunity to contribute your perspective to broaden our understanding of how STEM disciplines operationalize critical thinking in the classroom.

Please also forward this email to any colleagues you feel would be interested and willing to participate! It would be greatly appreciated.

Please let me know if you have any questions related to the study (


Thank you!

Ash Heim, Ph.D. (she/her)

Biology Education Research Faculty Fellow

Department of Biology

Life Sciences Complex

107 College Pl., Syracuse, NY 13244

Syracuse University