job announcement

Dear CER Community,

The Department of Chemistry at the University of California Riverside has initiated a search for an Assistant Professor of Teaching position. Applicants are expected to have the requisite experience needed to teach both undergraduate organic chemistry and general chemistry, and will have the freedom to carry out a research agenda that can include disciplinary research, curriculum development, and/or chemistry education research. The full job posting and links for submitting application materials can be accessed here:

I note the Professor of Teaching series in the UC system is equivalent to the more traditional research faculty line, however the teaching load is slightly higher (two courses per quarter vs. one course per quarter) and the merit and promotion process places more emphasis on demonstrating excellence in teaching over research productivity. Otherwise Professors of Teaching navigate the same pay structure, receive equivalent benefits (including sabbatical leave), and are full voting members of the Academic Senate.

Though the UCR Department of Chemistry does not offer a PhD in chemistry education, there are opportunities to engage graduate students in chemistry education research projects, and the department is currently in the process of getting a chemistry education minor approved for our graduate program (this is called a designated emphasis in the UC system). This is expected to expand opportunities for our graduate students to engage in chemistry education research, and completion of the designated emphasis will be formally recognized on graduate transcripts.

Interested applicants are free to contact me directly if they would like to discuss in more detail how the Professor of Teaching series works and/or what is expected of this particular position (

Best regards,

Jack Eichler


Jack F. Eichler, PhD

Professor of Teaching in Chemistry (Senior Lecturer SOE)

UCR Distinguished Teaching Professor

Chair, UCR Academy of Distinguished Teaching

UCR Honors Program Faculty Fellow

Department of Chemistry

University of California, Riverside

501 Big Springs Rd.

Chemical Sciences

220 Riverside, CA 92521
