An opportunity to collaborate on a project about the propagation of curriculum transformation

We are developing proposal to investigate how and why curriculum transformation is propagated, and to determine what barriers exist and how they might be overcome. As part of the proposal, we are looking for general chemistry instructors who are interested in the opportunity to teach a transformed general chemistry curriculum, Chemistry, Life, Universe and Everything (CLUE). Instructors who collaborate with us will be provided with all curriculum and assessment materials (text, instructor materials in-class and homework assignments on beSocratic) at no charge. We will also hold weekly support meeting before and during implementation. If needed, the curriculum and assessment materials will be modified to fit particular classroom settings.

The CLUE curriculum is a transformed general chemistry curriculum that was developed by a chemist (Melanie Cooper) and molecular biologist (Mike Klymkowsky), with the goal of bringing evidence-based change in general chemistry. The curriculum focuses on the scaffolded progressions of four core ideas: structure and properties, bonding and interactions, energy, and change and stability. Students also are supported in their use of scientific practices including, constructing and using models, analyzing and interpreting data, and constructing arguments and explanations from evidence and scientific reasoning. Causal mechanistic reasoning is also emphasized in this curriculum. For more information about the curriculum, access to the textbook and sample materials, and research findings from the CLUE curriculum, go to the following link:

If you are interested in teaching CLUE in your general chemistry classroom, please contact Dr. Alex Kararo at Also, please feel free to forward this email to any colleagues who may be interested.>


Alex Kararo
Sonia Underwood
Melanie Cooper
Mike Klymkowsky>