Postdoc in STEM Education - Instructional Change Teams

We are advertising a postdoctoral-level research position associated with the NSF-IUSE award Modeling Instructional Change Teams (NSF #1914857, Lead PI Alice Olmstead; NSF #1914880, PI Andrea Beach, co-PI Charles Henderson, This project aims to develop and share research-based tools and guidance to change leaders who aim to support teams working to improve undergraduate STEM courses nationally. The selected candidate will be expected to engage in activities such as: identifying and recruiting study participants; collecting and compiling survey data; preparing reports for study participants; statistically testing the pilot survey instrument and modifying it appropriately; analyzing survey data to address research questions; reviewing relevant literature; and synthesizing the results for publications and presentations. They will be expected to work closely with our existing team including the three PIs, a part-time, postdoctoral-level independent contractor, and another faculty member at Texas State with quantitative analysis expertise, as well as the previous postdoctoral researcher from this project when appropriate.

The selected candidate will also have the option to conduct qualitative research on the impacts of an ongoing, local NSF-IUSE-HSI award, the Faculty-Student STEM Communities Project (NSF #1928696, on participants and their instructional approaches, as a part-time appointment. This project aims to promote student-centered, culturally responsive instructional change by building community among STEM faculty and undergraduate students at Texas State University.

Review of applications will begin on July 11, 2022 and continue until the position is filled. Preferred start date is August 1. The initial appointment(s) will be for one year, renewable as funding remains available (1-6 additional months). Position can be remote or in-person at one of the two institutions. The lead PI for the instructional change teams project is at Texas State University; co-PIs are at Western Michigan University.

For details and contact information, go to


Dr. Cynthia Luxford (she/her/hers)

Associate Professor

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Texas State University

San Marcos, TX 78666