Hi all,
We are looking for input on a joint tenured/tenure track position in chemical education that we will be offering at UALR. This is a joint assignment between an academic department (chemistry) and a service oriented unit (STEM center). Have any other schools offered similar joint positions in chemical education? If you have any experience with this this type of position I would really appreciate it if you could contact me in private, Bob Belford, rebelford@ualr.edu .
We are interested in how the position was described in the advertisement, the tenure process, and the administration of the position. The tenure will be in the department of chemistry, but 50% of the assignment is to the STEM center, and we have never offered a position like that. Do both units do independent evaluations, and how are the service unit's components integrated into the academic department's tenure criteria? We would be most appreciative for any input on how other schools have handled similar tenure track position.
Please contact me if you have any advice or experience with such a joint assignment, as we will very shortly be offering one in chemical education. I would really appreciate some input on this, because if done right, this could be a great tenure track position.
Bob Belford