Tenure-track chemistry education research faculty position at Chapman University

Dear colleagues,

Chapman University is searching for a new tenure-track chemistry education research faculty, in addition to the math ed research position I previously posted about. This is a really exciting time to join the college as we build a DBER cluster, and Chapman is a wonderful place to be!

Review begins on Nov 6. Here’s the job ad for the CER position: https://apply.interfolio.com/132788

There is also a second, concurrent search for an instructional assistant professor position within chemistry for any chemists out there who would like to focus on teaching!

Review of this second position begins Oct 30. Here’s the job ad: https://apply.interfolio.com/132802

Please feel free to share with your networks and any chemists and chemistry education researchers who might be interested! I am happy to answer questions about life as a DBER researcher at Chapman!

Jeremy Hsu (hsu@chapman.edu)