Michael Seery | Mon, 04/30/2018 - 13:16
For our final webinar in the RSC CERGinar series, Prof Vicente Talanquer will be delivering his webinar: "Controlling Intuition". To celebrate the end of our inaugural series, Prof Talanquer has kindly agreed to having an extended discussion. Registration and details are at the link: https://rsccerg.wordpress.com/2018/04/30/vicente-talanquer-webinar-23rd-may/
The time of the webinar is 7 - 8.30 PM British Summer Time (BST), which is 6 - 7.30 PM GMT.
I look forward to hosting you then.
Dr. Michael Seery CChem FRSC
Reader, School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh
Associate Editor, Chemistry Education Research and Practice (www.rsc.org/cerp)
Website & Blog: www.michaelseery.com
Phone: +44 (0)131 650 4713