The purpose of the Chemistry Education Research Listserv ( is to provide postings of relevant timely information appropriate to help chemistry education researchers and scholars advance the field of chemistry education.
Examples of appropriate postings include but are not limited to postings:
- initiating discussion topics related to research methods, questions, or analysis;
- initiating discussion of research articles relevant to chemistry education research;
- announcing faculty, instructional positions, or post-doctoral positions for which the job duties and responsibilities include a component of chemistry education research and scholarship;
- external funding sources announcing programs for funding research related to chemistry education;
- announcing up-coming professional conferences with symposia themes targeting chemistry education research, or requesting symposia chairs for chemistry education research, or meetings of chemistry education researchers at a professional conference;
- announcing a Listserv with a specific chemistry education research area;
- announcing webinars related to chemistry education research;
- announcing special issues of professional journals targeting chemistry education research;
- announcements of the availability of “apps” or URLs containing resources relevant for chemistry education research;
- requests for participants in research (Note: direct links to surveys or questionnaires may not be posted, instead, the solicitation should ask interested parties to contact the researcher for inclusion).
Examples of posting that are of questionable utility:
- requests for recommendations of textbooks or resources to use for teaching a class;
- announcements having very little to do with enhancing the field of chemistry education research and scholarship;
- announcements equivalent to an advertisement for a commercial product.