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Miami Listsev Welcome

[Today's date]

You  have  been  added  to  the CER  mailing  list  (Chemistry  Education Research) by [site administrator name][site administrator email address].

Here is some important information  about your new subscription, which we recommend that you preserve for future reference. Having this information available will make it easier to recognize all the lists to which you are subscribed and in case you want  to unsubscribe or temporarily disable mail delivery.

* The name of the list: CER


Fwd: FW: Posting

-----Original Message----- From: Khan, Kamal [mailto:Khan@dls.rutgers.edu] Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 10:33 AM To: Mary Emenike Subject: RE: Posting Good Morning Mary, Just to follow up about the posting, which is now public, as you stated below a candidate with a chemistry education or chemistry education research degree would be qualified for this position. Please let me know if you have any questions.

CER Mail List

The Chemical Education Research mail list (formerly cer@listserv.miamioh.edu) has been converted to this web site. The functionality of the listserv sending email submitted to all members subscribed to the list is maintained. All mail list submissions are moderated so that only approved submissions are sent out to the list (published).