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Additional Info - ACS Div ChemEd CERC Webinar series

Hi Colleges,

It appears the previous post did not include the image I had attached with the details on the date and time of the series. Please see the following information for the first talk in the CERC webinar series:


Date and time:

Monday, August 26th, 2024

5 pm Eastern / 4 pm Central / 3 pm. Mountain /2 pm. Pacific



Oluwatobi (Tobi) Odeleye

Assistant Professor

West Virginia University


Title: Technology in Chemistry Education: The good, the bad, and everything in between.


ACS Div ChemEd CERC Webinar series

Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to announce the upcoming Chemistry Education Research Committee (CERC) Webinar Series, designed to bring together educators, researchers, and practitioners to explore the latest advancements and challenges in chemistry education.

Webinar Series Overview:

Chemistry Education Research Committee (CERC) - Call for Organizers, Presiders, and Reviewers

The Chemical Education Research Committee (a standing committee of the ACS Division of Chemical Education) sponsors several symposia every year. As part of a strategic effort to increase inclusive participation within our ongoing activities, we would like to open a call for symposia organizers, presiders, or reviewers for 2025-2026.


There are several symposia that we will sponsor at each of the following conferences over the next two years:

Opening for Posdoctoral Associate Teaching Scholar (Chemical Education Research), Department of Chemistry, Boston University

The Department of Chemistry at Boston University invites applications for a full-time teaching and research Postdoctoral Associate Teaching Scholar (PATS) opening starting as early as August 1, 2024 and no later than September 1, 2024. This innovative program, formerly the Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow (PFF) program, is designed for recent Ph.D. recipients planning to pursue teaching-focused academic careers. The duties of the appointment are divided roughly equally between teaching and research.