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Invitation to ACS Division of Chemical Education Town Hall Meeting

Dear Members of the ACS Division of Chemical Education,

We are excited to invite you to a Town Hall Meeting where we will present the key outcomes of our recent Strategic Planning Retreat. Your participation and insights are invaluable to us, and we look forward to sharing our vision for the future of the Division.

Date: February 9th, 2024
Time: 4:00 to 5:30 PM PST (note time zone)

Postdoc Position at UGA

On behalf of Dr. Molly Bolger from the University of Georgia:

Systems Thinking in Chemistry Education

The complex nature of the global issues facing modern societies demands that all students, particularly those interested in STEM careers, meaningfully understand central ideas in chemistry, know how to apply science and engineering practices to investigate phenomena and design solutions, develop systems thinking skills to analyze the systems of interest, and act with socio-environmental responsibility.

Chemistry Education Tenure Track Faculty Position - UC San Diego

The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California, San Diego is now accepting applications from candidates for an Assistant Teaching Professor position (tenure-track) in Chemical Education beginning Fall 2024.

The position is focused in the area of organic chemistry.