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Vicente Talanquer webinar – 23rd May

For our final webinar in the RSC CERGinar series, Prof Vicente Talanquer will be delivering his webinar: "Controlling Intuition". To celebrate the end of our inaugural series, Prof Talanquer has kindly agreed to having an extended discussion. Registration and details are at the link: https://rsccerg.wordpress.com/2018/04/30/vicente-talanquer-webinar-23rd-may/

The time of the webinar is 7 - 8.30 PM British Summer Time (BST), which is 6 - 7.30 PM GMT. 

Postdoc position available in Inorganic Chemistry Education

The Interactive Online Network of Inorganic Chemists (www.ionicviper.org) has an opening for a Research Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of South Florida (Tampa, Florida) with a focus on transforming postsecondary inorganic chemistry courses into more active and engaging learning experiences.

FW: HSI STEM Pedagogy Conference in Chicago May 3-4

Northeastern Illinois University will host a National Science Foundation-sponsored conference on "Catalyzing Progress in Undergraduate STEM Education with Insights from Midwestern HSIs", to be held in Chicago May 3-4, 2018.

UMass Visiting Asst. Professor (teaching postdoc) positions

Dear colleagues, @chem.umass.edu>

We have two new positions that we are filling in the Department. They are formally called Visiting Assistant Professors, but they are really teaching postdocs. While the ad mentions that they will have an academic year appointment of 9 months, there will be an opportunity and expectation to do research, especially in the summer. @chem.umass.edu>

April Webinar: Gingner Shultz - "Writing to learn science - research and practice informed by sociocultural theory"

The next webinar in the RSC CERGinar series is by Ginger Shultz, University of Michigan. Ginger will be sharing some of her recent work on writing in science education. The webinar is on Weds 18th April. When doing time conversions, note that the UK is now aligned with British Summer Time, and the webinar will be at 4 - 5 PM BST. Registration link via our page at: https://rsccerg.wordpress.com/2018/03/27/ginger-shultz-webinar-18th-april/

Seeking Input on joint assignment Tenure Track Position

Hi all,

We are looking for input on a joint tenured/tenure track position in chemical education that we will be offering at UALR.  This is a joint assignment between an academic department (chemistry) and a service oriented unit (STEM center). Have any other schools offered similar joint positions in chemical education? If you have any experience with this this type of position I would really appreciate it if you could contact me in private, Bob Belford, rebelford@ualr.edu .