Mail list entry

Peer Leader Research Symposium at BCCE 2018

Hello CER colleagues!

Please consider submitting an abstract to the following symposium about research on peer leaders as the abstract deadline is coming soon (February 20th, 2018). Abstracts can be submitted online at

2018 Assessment Institute in Indianapolis Call for Proposals

Hello Colleagues,

Attached is the call for proposals (click the CER listserv link to access the attachement) for the 2018 Assessment Institute in Indianapolis featuring the second year of the STEM Education track. The Institute, hosted by IUPUI, is now the nation’s oldest and largest event focused exclusively on outcomes assessment in higher education. Please consider submitting a proposal. Proposals are due by March 9, 2018.

For more information, feel free to contact me or visit

Call for abstract submissions: Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference

The 101st Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference and Exhibition will be held May 27–31, 2018 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We hope you will submit an abstract for the Chemistry Education Research Symposium that Stephen MacNeil and I are organizing.


Abstract submission deadline is February 12, 2018 and you will find the links below:

Conference website:

Abstract submission:

Come join us at the IUPAC ICCE2018 in Sydney in July .... abstracts invited now!

The 25th IUPAC International Conference on Chemistry Education (ICCE2018) will be held at the University of Sydney between July 10th-14th 2018 - abstract submission is currently open and closes on February 19th. Come and join the vibrant international CER community as it reconnects and celebrates chemistry education research and practice in Australia!

Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference: invitation to submit an abstract

Please consider submitting an abstract to the following symposium at the 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CSC 2018), taking place this year from May 27-31 in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Teaching Initiatives: What works, what doesn't

Symposium description:

Post-Doctoral Fellow Position Announcement

Good Afternoon,

  We are seeking a postdoc for an NSF-funded collaborative research project which explores the use of a mixed-reality simulator to prepare graduate teaching assistants for student-centered instruction in physics, chemistry, math and computer science.  Those with a background in chemistry education research or physics education research, or realated field are encouraged to apply.    

General description of position:

BCCE-2018 - abstracts welcome for TICER symposium

Abstract submission for the BCCE-2018- 25TH Biennial Conference in Chemical Education hosted by the University of Notre Dame is now open ( ). Abstract submissions are welcome in the "Technology Integration in Chemistry Education and Research –(TICER)" symposium (Last date for abstract submission is February 20th, 2018).

Science Online Symposium at BCCE

Hi, everyone!

As you know the deadline for submission of abstracts for this summer's BCCE is approaching. If you teach anything online please consider sharing your experiences with us in the "Science Online: Creating Engaging and Interactive Virtual Classrooms" symposium: