Mail list entry

REU Summer 2018 Opportunity

Good afternoon colleagues

Have any undergraduates looking for a summer REU program in sunny Miami Florida?

This summer Florida International University will offer a variation of great projects, including chemistry education. Information about the program can be found at:

The application deadline is March 1st!

STEM Education Position at Georgia Southern University

The Institute for Interdisciplinary STEM Education (i²STEMe) in the College of Education at Georgia Southern University invites applications and nominations for the position of Assistant Professor of STEM Education. The position description may be viewed on the CER web site (click the link at the top of this message).

NAS Indicators Report now avaialble

Report on Indicators for Monitoring Undergraduate STEM Education is now publicly avaialble. Indicators for Monitoring Undergraduate STEM Education, a report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, identifies a set of national-level indicators to measure the status and quality of undergraduate STEM education over multiple years.

Research Assistant Professor Position - Smart Energy - Binghamton University

The Freshman Research Immersion (FRI) program at Binghamton University will hire a Research Assistant Professor, to begin August 13, 2018. This full-time position is for a three-year duration and candidates must have graduate degree before starting. This is a 10 month non-tenure track faculty position, with additional extra service commitment for two-summer weeks. This position is for Smart & Clean Energy (open to Ph.D.’s with appropriate background in chemistry/materials science/physics/electrical engineering).

Post-Doctoral Position

Post-Doctoral Fellow Position Announcement


Fw: ICE Curriculum Writer position

Dear CER Community:

Seasons greetings to all. Please find below a position posting for a chemistry curriculum writer in Baltimore City Public Schools. This two-year position is part of a grant funded by the DRK-12 program at NSF (DRL-1721163).

Please bring this job opportunity to the attention of interested people with experience in high school chemistry teaching and chemistry curriculum design. Prospective applicants with questions can contact Joshua Gabrielse (


Best wishes,

Postdoctoral Position at Radford University

Please see the link for a postdoctoral position in the Radford University Department of Chemistry.  The successful applicant will teach in the general chemsitry series and help develop curriculum for general chemistry.  This position is from a Howard Hughes Medical Institute grant.