Mail list entry

BCCE Call for abstracts

We would love for you to join us for our symposium, "Innovative ways to lower course costs" at the 2018 BCCE at Notre Dame. As the cost of tuition rises our students are having to get creative to buy course materials, but we should be able to help. Share your creative strategies for lowering these costs in your lecture and lab courses. Abstracts are due February 20, 2018.

BCCE 2018 Call for papers

The call for abstracts is now open! Submit abstracts for presentation at 25th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, to be held July 29- August 2,2018, in Notre Dame, IN (South Bend). The theme for the 2018 BCCE is "Chemical Education is Golden."

Prof Donald Wink Webinar 21st Feb

The RSC Chemical Education Research group webinar series continues in February with a webinar from Prof Donald Wink, University of Illinois at Chicago on 21st Feb at 7 PM GMT. He will discuss the use of case studies, and some of his own research using the case study approach. As many of you know, he is a fantastic speaker.

The abstract is below, and registration and further details are at the website:

Call for Chapters: Handbook of Research on STEM Education

Globally, there has been a shift in education to emphasize STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education as a means to better prepare K-12 students for for global citizenship as well as college success and/or entering the workforce with the knowledge and skills to be successful.