Mail list entry

VERSA @UC San Diego application is open!


We are entering the third year of our REU program on STEM education research at UC San Diego led by Melinda Owens and myself (VERSA). Please share the following announcement with students who might be interested. Thank you!


Subject: VERSA @ UC San Diego application is open!

ACS Exploring Accreditation of 2-Year College Programs

The American Chemical Society is exploring the possibility of recognizing community college chemistry departments and/or programs. As part of this exploration, they are holding a Blue-Ribbon Panel at ACS headquarters Feb 21-23 to query faculty at two-year colleges on what this might look like for them.


Opening for Posdoctoral Associate Teaching Scholar (Chemical Education Research), Department of Chemistry, Boston University

The Department of Chemistry at Boston University invites applications for full-time teaching and research Postdoctoral Associate Teaching Scholar (PATS) openings starting as early as June 1, 2025 and no later than September 1, 2025. This innovative program, formerly the Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow (PFF) program, is designed for recent Ph.D. recipients planning to pursue teaching-focused academic careers.  Initial appointments are full-time for one year, and are renewable based on satisfactory performance.

Symposium Presider Opportunity for Grad Students at upcoming ACS

Have you ever wanted to get involved with presiding over a symposium at a conference? The Early Career Chemistry Education Scholars committee invites interested graduate students, post-docs, and early career faculty to serve as presiders in the Graduate Student Research Symposia sessions at the upcoming Spring ACS in San Diego. This symposia provides opportunities for presiders to get involved and gain experience in this professional skill and engage in leadership in our field.

Call For Papers: Undergraduate Research as the Stimulus for Scientific Progress in the USA

Dear colleagues,

I have the privilege of being a guest editor on a Special Issue through ACS Omega. Specifically, this call is to spotlight research at PUIs. ACS is also very interested in showcasing the chemical education research that is being conducted as well. If you engage with undergraduate researchers at a PUI or know of anyone who does, please send this information along their way! 



Participate in research study to define climate change acceptance

Hello CER community! Please see the below recruitment message about participating in a study to define climate change acceptance in undergraduate science student populations. We are collecting data through Monday, January 20th. 


Participate in research study to define climate change acceptance

Hello CER community! Please see the below recruitment message about participating in a study to define climate change acceptance in undergraduate science student populations.


Register for the BRIDGES Conference January 31-February 1

As we are gearing up for a new academic term and considering how to make an impact in the teaching, research, and other work that we do, please consider registering for the Broadening Research and Instructional Design for Greater Equity in STEM (BRIDGES) conference being held virtually on January 31st and February 1st.