Mail list entry

Call for Abstracts: CER Graduate Student Research Forum

Dear Colleagues,

This is a call for abstracts for the symposium *Chemistry Education Research: Graduate Student Research Forum* which will take place this spring at the American Chemical Society National Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, March 18-22, 2018.

Call for Abstract: Chemical Information Literacy: Innovation, Collaboration, and Assessment

Dear Colleagues,

This is a call for abstracts for a symposium on Chemical Information Literacy: Innovation, Collaboration, and Assessment which will take place at the American Chemical Society National Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, March 18-22, 2018.

We welcome diverse perspectives from chemistry educators, librarians, information specialists, and students to share their research and stories, especially collaborative effort across campus.

Symposium title: Chemical Information Literacy: Innovation, Collaboration, and Assessment

Symposium abstract:

New and Noteworthy in 2016- 2017 - REMINDER

Have you published a chemistry education research article in the past two years in a peer-reviewed journal? If so, we would like you to consider participating in the Chemical Education Research Committee’s invitation-only symposium to be held at the 255th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society in New Orleans, LA from March 18 - 22, 2018.

Fw: Postdoc mindset interventions

See email below asking for research participants.

Kimberly (Linenberger) Cortes
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
370 Paulding Ave NW
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Phone: 470-578-6278
Fax: 470-578-9137

From: Saber11 on behalf of Marsteller, Pat

Webinar: Prof Alison Flynn, 25th October

The Royal Society of Chemistry's Chemical Education Research Group is launching a series of webinars on chemistry education research, and we are delighted that our first speaker will be Alison Flynn, from University of Ottawa. As many will know, Alison is a fantastic speaker and is doing great things in chemistry education research. Her webinar is entitled:

Organic reaction mechanisms: symbolism, patterns, and explanations

An opportunity to collaborate on a project about the propagation of curriculum transformation

We are developing proposal to investigate how and why curriculum transformation is propagated, and to determine what barriers exist and how they might be overcome. As part of the proposal, we are looking for general chemistry instructors who are interested in the opportunity to teach a transformed general chemistry curriculum, Chemistry, Life, Universe and Everything (CLUE). Instructors who collaborate with us will be provided with all curriculum and assessment materials (text, instructor materials in-class and homework assignments on beSocratic) at no charge.

FW: tenure track assistant professor

Hi all,

I am forwarding this job announcement looking for a faculty member in inorganic chemistry, preferably with experience in chemistry education.

All the best,


rom: Lawrence D Margerum []
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 7:44 PM
To: Cole, Renee S >
Subject: tenure track assistant professor

Hi Renee,

FW: Chem Ed position at SDSU

Hi all,

I wanted to draw your attention to the chemistry education research faculty position at San Diego State University.

All the best,


From: Christopher Harrison []
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2017 5:05 PM
To: Cole, Renee

Subject: Chem Ed position at SDSU

Hi Renee,