Mail list entry

TRUSE 2017 applications! Please apply.

Greetings all, The organizers for TRUSE are deeply committed to providing a rich conference centered on deep, meaningful conversations among DBER researchers. Originally, we felt the best way to facilitate this goal was by having a "first-come first-serve" registration for our 2017 TRUSE conference.

Simulation-based Learning DBER Postdoc position (updated with attachment information)

 Dear all,

We have a postdoc opportunity for the development, assessment, and implementation of interactive and simulation-based learning activities for university-level biochemistry courses.

Please share the attached job description with anyone you anyone you think might be interested. The job is at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln; the person will be part of a larger team led by myself, and Drs. Brian Couch, Rebecca Roston, and Karin van Dijk.

We will continue to review application as they come in until the position is filled.

Thank you and best wishes,

UMN Biology Teaching and Learning Postdoc hires

Dear CER Colleagues,

We have two postdoc opportunities available in the Department of Biology Teaching and Learning at the University of Minnesota, one of which might be of *interest to those with biochemistry background*. A short description of the two positions follows and a more detail can be found in the attached job description (which you cna view on the CER web site by clicking on the blue link CER web site  above).

We appreciate if you could share the attached job description with anyone who might be interested in one of these positions.


Tenure Track position at GVSU-CHED

Position Title: Assistant Professor in Chemical Education beginning in August 2017.

Required Qualifications and Education: This tenure track position requires a strong commitment to excellence in undergraduate teaching and research. The Department values candidates who demonstrate an ability to work in a collaborative environment with a diverse population of students and colleagues. PhD in chemistry or chemical education required; ABD will be considered with Ph.D. completed by August 2017.

APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED: Gordon Research Conference - Chemistry Education Research and Practice

Dear Chemistry Education Research Community,

Applications are now being accepted for the 2017 Gordon Research Conference on Chemistry Education Research and Practice (GRC-CERP). The theme of the conference is "Chemistry Education within the National and Global Educational Context". You can find the conference program, the online application, registration fees information, and more details at:

Online Education Symposium at the ACS fall Meeting in DC

I know it's hard to think about submitting an abstract to the Fall meeting when the spring one hasn't happened yet, but I wanted to invite you to submit an abstract to a symposium featuring innovations in Online Education. The title and abstract are included below.

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you all in DC in August!


Online & Upward: Improving Online Education to Increase Chemistry's Global Reach (Oral)

Florida International University Summer REU Program

Dear Colleagues,

Have any undergraduates looking for a summer REU program in sunny Miami Florida? This summer Florida International University will offer a variation of 17 great projects, including one focused in chemistry education.

Information about the program can be found at:  

In addition, I have attached information to this email for convenience. The application deadline is March 1st!

Full-time chemistry lecturer The University of Washington -Tacoma

The University of Washington -Tacoma is currently searching for a full-time chemistry lecturer. This is a full-time renewable position with an appointment term of one to five years and a nine-month service period. The position will begin on September 16, 2017 and will require a Master’s degree or higher, or foreign equivalent, in chemistry, chemical education, environmental science/engineering, chemical engineering or a related field.There are opportunities to teach research courses, including STEM education research. UWT is a great place to work!

2017 GRC on Visualization in Science & Education

This upcoming meeting may be of interest to many CER folks. 2017 Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science and Education “Scientific Visualization for Decision-ˇMaking” Aug. 6th-Aug. 11th, 2017 Bates College Lewiston, ME USA The 2017 Gordon Research Conference on Visualization in Science and Education will continue a tradition of bringing together a diverse community of practitioners and researchers engaged in the production, study, and application of visualizations to advance and promote scientific understanding.